Embark on an interstellar journey with Billes & Co's Space Mission Marbles Box. Featuring 59 glossy glass marbles in deep blues, black, orange, and white, it's a cosmos-inspired treasure in a stylish space-themed box. Dive into imaginative play, don your space suit, conquer the universe, and reach for the moon.
The Billes & Co Marble Box offers a stunning collection of 59 colored glass marbles, a great start for any collection. With a smooth, tactile feel and mesmerizing swirling design, these marbles are perfect for traditional games, runs, and collecting. Presented in a recycled cardboard box, each marble is meticulously sorted.
Marble toys go beyond entertainment; they're cherished for sensory appeal, fostering fine motor skills. I Want That Present loves timeless kids' toys, and Billes & Co marble sets are no exception – mini treasure chests, a gift for enthusiasts of all ages. Crafted from natural and recycled materials, this eco-friendly marble set is plastic-free.